Greg - 8/05/2010 8:42 AM 
Wish I lived in FL, something like this sounds really fun! Good luck and make sure to keep us updated on your progress. Write blog articles every now and then about what you’re doing...and post pics! I’m sure all divers on here dream about being treasure hunters.
thanks Greg if all goes well you are welcome to come and join in the fun..john
Greg’s right this sounds like it would be a blast, maybe you can offer a deal where folks can come while on vacation an help out, if you find something while there you get a cut. That way you don’t have to pay folks to work, you get free help and if lucky enuff, those who are present if anything is found get to reap the booty. Hell I’m ready to take a vacation and come down, God knows I need one. Even if I didn’t find anything I’d still enjoy the diving and experience of helping on you boat.
Sounds like Nashville’s onto something!! Anybody can chase fish on a reef while on vacation, but to be part of a treasure hunting expedition....hmm, I’d try it at least once.
I would love to dive let me know if you get things up and running.
Wow, Makes me wish the kid was out of school. Sounds AWESOME
QUESTIONhow much investigating/research have you done on the 1715 fleet?
do you have a place to start your search?
whereyou at and when are u going to start
I’ll certainly sign on for the dive team. I love wrecks and treasure.
Muse - 8/15/2010 11:32 PM 
Have you checked the legal issues? I’m pretty sure FL got very strict about treasure finds after Mel Fisher. I believe his group, still in existence, has the only contract with the State, and that any finds belong heavily to the FL.
From Muse: Have you checked the legal issues? I’m pretty sure FL got very strict about treasure finds after Mel Fisher. I believe his group, still in existence, has the only contract with the State, and that any finds belong heavily to the FL.
THAT WAS MY NEXT QUESTION,- - -like the lost dutchman mine here in az IF someone found it[i believe it has been:you would be better off high grading it[mining it without laying a claim: then saying you found it,- - - the state would want to designate it as a HISTORICAL landmark, the environMENTALists would go absolutely APE[ and the only thing you would get from the whole experience would be 15min of fame and a place in the history book’s of how you found it but couldn’t mine it !
if you find it THEY WILL COME !!
The Salvage Rights to the 1715 Wreck Sites were just sold by the Mel Fisher Family to the Brisben Family in July of this year. The State of Florida had awarded the salvage rights to the Fisher’s in the early 1980’s and will now have a contact with the Salvour in Posession, the Brisbens. The State requires data recording to be done during salvage work and of course takes their cut. I worked under a subcontact in the early 1990’s, the photograph of the gold crufix on my Dive Buddy page was found that season and was taken by the State for their cut,. The Fishers paid us for our share in silver coins. Of course we also split with the Fisher’s. This 2010 salvage season has started out great with lots of prestine gold coins being found hidden in a recovered small bronze breech loading cannon. (trying to beat the tax man). If you want to read about treasure hunting from those who are doing it and are in the know, look online for a quarterly publication called PLVS VLTRA NEWSLETTER by EN RADA Publications in West Palm Beach, Florida.
I’m game to helping build and dive. I am a mechanic and have a shop full of tools and a welder. I live near Lakeland so I’m not to far away. Send me your email so we can get in contact and talk it over. I ready to find some TREASURE...:)
Thanks for all the replies guys, as for the legal side read diver1733;s reply he’s been doing this for years . I will be replying to each of you individually soon. right now I am running around headless trying to get ready for a job in NJ should be back for mid october then the project can start, we will be in Sebastian florida please keep that in mind, although all suggestions are greatfully received.....John 561 860 6050