Silent World is a good dive operation and you will have fun.
My first choice would be Conch Republic Divers, but Silent World is also good. :)
fv195 - 3/18/2010 6:00 PM
Dove with them, nice outfit. didn’t do any tech classes
Thanks for the information. I’ll check out Conch Republic Divers as well.
Silent World is ok but if you would like some great IANTD Tech Diving experience and training i would suggest getting in touch with Mike Ange. Mike has wrote several of the Tech programs and is even in charge of the SSI version of Tech diving (TechXR) and he is a lead instructor for IANTD. Check out his page for your self. Over on the left side you will see all of his upcoming training classes right there in the Keys.... http://mikeangeexpeditions.com/
Hey thanks for the information. I’ll definitely give them a long look over.
I would recommend Mark from Fill Express for any and all technical diving.
What makes Mark so good is that he has the chemistry and physics background and that is a great thing to know given the nature of tech diving.
Fillexpress.com Tell him Laura Parke sent you and he should take care of you.
A no-non-sense instructor. As he should be for that level of diving expertise.
Let me know how you make out in the end.
best regards,
Laura Parke ScubaDivaLaura on Twitter
I ran across that name as I was searching the web for Tech Training in Florida a while back.
I’ll take another look...
I want to thank everyone that has responded to this forum post. There are a lot of good recommendations for me to look up and research.