WHAT IS your DREAM dive?
DiveGirl55 - 8/14/2007 9:35 AM
Category: General
Replies: 8

What is something you have been on a quest to see or dive with that you haven`t yet? Mine is MANTA RAYS
Greg - 8/14/2007 10:17 AM
I want to dive with a whale shark and a mola mola.
jreitz1 - 8/14/2007 1:38 PM
I want to go up to Alaska and dive with the Salmon Shark. Some call them pigmy great whites because they look like GWs, but smaller. They are the 3rd member of the Mackrel Shark family, with the GW and Makos.
tadeotadeo - 8/14/2007 2:15 PM
I would love to see coral spawning......I have heard it is a magical moment.
Dorkfish - 8/15/2007 2:34 AM
I`ve always wanted to dive the Great Barrier Reef as well as some not-so-well-known "special" dive sites like Yonaguni in Japan, but I have another love that will most likely NEVER happen.

I have a friend along the upper West coast who keeps inviting me on one of his runs to Alaska to see the Orca (killer whales). This is something that would be different, but I absolutely would not be able to resist the temptation to dive with them and get some video footage.

Cold water and animal hazards aside, there would be nothing like seeing these creatures of the deep in their world.
VaDiver95 - 8/15/2007 11:33 AM
U-869...and the Doria. Till then I`ll focus on Truk Lagoon and Scapa Flow, but it`s hard to find a buddy who wants to drop 5K on a dive trip.
NWKatShark - 8/18/2007 4:03 PM
I want to dive, repeatedly, with the Sweedish Bikini Scuba Team. WELL! You said "dream"!
cynwydb - 8/26/2007 12:44 PM
I want to dive Pemba island off Tanzania (I think they have Manta Rays DiveGirl). OK, so a part of this is being able to hit the Kalahari and check out the land dwelling wild life, but hey nature is great above and below. Kilimanjaro is also in Tanzania and might be a good treck before diving. I have the frequent flyer miles for a trip for two, just not the right buddy to go with yet.
Mershark - 8/29/2007 8:31 PM
To free dive with great whites.