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Looking for a computer
tardmaster - 8/26/2009 1:56 PM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 8

I’m looking for a computer. With me being laid off for 8 weeks now, I’m really on a tight budget. My only requirement is that it be multi-gas capable (nitrox).


Indiana - 8/26/2009 5:52 PM
You can see if any mares 2 computors are out there.You can find them for under 170.00 and they do nitrox.That is a wrist mount.the are a little big but you cant beat the price
johng - 8/26/2009 7:22 PM
got a dacor darwin I can sell for 125
scubaclay - 8/27/2009 12:08 PM
I just picked up the Tusa IQ 800, I love it, big numbers. Does nitrox and air.
jimran - 8/27/2009 5:38 PM
cobra u will never need another had mine for 9 years ,does all blends nitrox and more
KentStone - 8/28/2009 11:26 PM
I have an aladin prime what are you looking to spend?
DryDiver - 8/29/2009 9:14 AM
Check out scuba toys. They have a great deal on an Areis Atmos Ai. It is an air integrated computer that rocks. It does everything that you will ever need it to do.
kcmorgan - 9/02/2009 2:24 PM
The Oceanic VEO 180 is being discontinued so it is on sale very reasonably at Divers Supply, Joe Diver, and several authorized on-line dealers.