I dove there on my first warm water trip back in ’94. Unexso was well organized and the dives were fantastic. I did their dolphin, shark dives , and dove on Theo’s wreck. Great staff and boats. I highly recommend them and if I go back thats where I will go.
j_Dub - 6/18/2009 5:56 AM 
Thanks Thomas for the info. Its a pretty easy trip from here in NC so I thought I would try to get down there and get wet. The last time I was in the Bahamas was with on the AquaCat and was mostly in the Exuma Islands so I am looking forward to seeing some of the Land and Water.
Thanks again....Now get back in the water...you had a long absence. :-)
I dove with them in September of 08 They are INCREDIBLE!!! Do the shark feeding dive, and after have a bit to eat and teh grill right near teh dive shop.....best drinks in The Bahamas....Also make sure you look out for those pesky Lionfish. They are all over now down there.
I did a few dives about a month ago while I was in Freeport. We dove with a guy named Ray who used to work for Xanadu, but now operates their boats independently. We hit Theo in the morning, which was awesome. 105+ feet of vis, a huge turtle, lionfish, and tons of nice grouper and snapper. Then we dove a 50’ reef which wasn’t too impressive. In the afternoon we went to the world famous Shark Alley. Since it was only Ray, my girlfriend, and I diving we didn’t spend the extra money on bait and a videographer, we just did an hour dive. As soon as the boat pulled up you could see the dark shadows circling under the boat. Apparently the sharks thought it was lunch time. We got in the water and had a dozen Carribean reef sharks anxiously awaiting. Since we didn’t do a feeding, they just followed us around the whole dive and everywhere we looked there were multiple sharks. I think I liked it better than a feeding since we got to swim around and see the reef at Shark Alley which was quite impressive. There are loads of coral heads arranged almost like city blocks with sand channels intersecting like city streets. We swam around the sand channels with the sharks passing over us and the reef for the full hour. It made for some great photos. At times I would get distracted by a macro shot of a nudibranch and forget where we were until I would glance up and see 3 reef sharks checking me out! It was a blast!
I have heard great things about UNEXSO too though, my friend got back a few days ago and had some great dives with them and a great feeding. If you decide to check out Ray, send me a message, I can dig up his info for you. Have fun either way!
j_Dub - 6/20/2009 4:31 PM 
Thanks for all the GREAT information guys.
I think the place I am going to stay has a Great Dive staff and I plan on heading over to UNEXSO as well, so we will just have to see.
James (aka: JimmyJam), if you have Ray’s number around, send it to me in a message. I may have to hit him up while down there. I wouldn’t mind making use of my video camera down there with some larger marine life.
Thanks again... Jamie