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Last Minute Dive Trip to Loch Low-Minn in Athens Tennessee
Event Date Tue, January 1, 2013
Event Location 116 County Road 420, Athens, TN
Event Price $20 divers, $10 non-divers
Contact Information Greg Davis on

Greg - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 30


My family (dad, two boys and me) are going diving on January 1, 2013 at Loch Low-Minn in Athens, TN. If you live in the area and would like to meet up, please join us. And yes badintexas (my better half) will be there too.

There are three dive shops nearby to possibly rent gear/tanks from: (They are closed on Dec 31 and Jan 1, and they don’t have farmer johns, only one piece 5mm) (They are closed on Dec 30- Jan 1, and they have some one piece 7mm)

We may also be able to get 7mm farmer john wetsuits and tanks from Loch Low-Minn, I’m waiting to hear back from them.

It will be cold, around 55 degrees, so bring a dry-suit or rent 7mm farmer johns like we are (don’t forget hood, gloves and boots). They have paddlefish in the quarry, how cool is that!


Eve - 1/03/2013 5:52 PM
Had a most wonderful time and enjoyed meeting everyone. Thank you to Mitch and Stacy for your help.
TNRonin - 1/01/2013 6:08 PM
i had fun! i dont think it was as cold as some thought it was. the SI was the buzzkil for some, not for use dry people. LOL
Smithsgold - 1/01/2013 1:35 PM
Hope you all had a great day of diving wish I was closer !!!
Looking forward to see the pictures !!!
alanmjacoby - 1/01/2013 8:53 AM
This sucks! We are not going to make it today. Wife with the flu... Oh we’ll, maybe next time.
badintexas - 1/01/2013 8:47 AM
Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let yall know that the big Davis family of 7 is on the way! See yall soon!
Greg - 1/01/2013 5:21 AM
I’m still going today. My dad may not dive due to weather, but I will still give it a try. Air temp should be 45 today. They will have a cabin open for us to get out of the rain some. This kind of diving is the one you remember the most:)

We will be there around 11:30.
Butchie - 1/01/2013 7:49 AM
Ok see you then. What do you think the vis will be with all the rain?
badintexas - 1/01/2013 8:49 AM
Butchie, Greg is driving so I asked him and he says he has no clue since the rain usually stirs it up but fun none the less! :0)
John844 - 1/02/2013 12:08 PM
It was nice to meet all of you this weekend. I had a great time
TNRonin - 12/29/2012 3:06 PM
We are always trying to get stuff together. I’m wanting to get to pennyroyal this summer, job permitting. Pelham, is next weekend.
shellyjtaylor - 12/29/2012 9:11 PM
Good to know...I’ll keep an eye out. :)
shellyjtaylor - 12/29/2012 2:21 PM
So bummed I have to work...but excited that there are people planning cool stuff in drivable distances and openly inviting other divers. Have fun and post pics!! Maybe next time... :)
TNRonin - 12/29/2012 12:33 PM
We will open the gate at 1100 so don’t get there early. i would bring a thermos of hot water to prwarm the wetsuit. I’m bringing dogs and sausages. we will have a grill there. there is a limit for the tanks, we have a large selection of wetsuits.

i tried to get stacy to open earlier, nope. see you there!

Greg - 12/28/2012 5:36 PM
We will be able to rent tanks and farmer johns from loch low-minn. They have a limited supply so let me know if you’ll need anything.
Brandonlea - 12/27/2012 1:30 PM
Well, sadly i will not be able to make it this time. Yall have fun!
Butchie - 12/27/2012 12:28 PM
Hot soup bowl we all can fit in? Travel size jacuzzi perhaps??
Eve - 12/27/2012 12:34 PM
that would be very nice. : )
Eve - 12/27/2012 10:21 AM
Sounds like were going to have a great day with great divebuddies, we are bringing the hot soup since we feel sure it will be needed. See you there.
rflesher - 12/20/2012 10:47 PM
If momma says I can go I will be there, with or without Dr’s, may have a few guys from the dive team come if thats ok with you.
Greg - 12/21/2012 7:01 AM
sure, sounds great. I would love to meet you all.
RockRat2008 - 12/20/2012 7:37 AM
Greg, we’ll have very limited hours during the holidays but are open by appointment anytime so if you are coming through and call someone can meet you there. We do have some farmer johns but I think they are all 5mm.

I talked to my wife and she wanted to get a deeper dive in during this trip since she has a limited dive schedule and we still need to check that off for her advanced open water certification so it looks like we’re heading to Mermet after all for our dive.

I hope everyone has a great time though and that we can look making a group dive again sometime later in the year.
Eve - 12/19/2012 1:36 PM
yeah, looks like we may have a group, if we do let me try to get a head count so we know how many dogs to throw on the grill. It is going to be fun, fun, fun.
alanmjacoby - 12/19/2012 1:31 PM
Sounds like fun! We will try to make it there for the dive. Please let us know if we will be able to rent the BCD, regs, and tanks there. We already have the rest of the gear to include the 7mm farmer johns… LOL If we are able to make it, I will bring my wife and both kids which are all certified.
RockRat2008 - 12/19/2012 1:46 PM
We should be able to hook you up with all your rental gear @ Cornerstone SCUBA in Murfreesboro if you have a vehicle you can load it all in.
Greg - 12/20/2012 6:45 AM
When is cornerstone open? Do you all have farmer johns?
TNRonin - 12/29/2012 12:36 PM
alan there is a large selection of ranger bcd’s at the quarry.
Eve - 12/19/2012 1:21 PM
We may need to rent them the day before , oh and yes the bubblewatcher will be there as well. Are we planning on cooking out? I think that will be a great day of fun, I do hope we can have a fire somewhere t stay warm.
Greg - 12/19/2012 1:24 PM
Yes, planning on cooking out. You and Becky are in charge of that for our family. We may be able to rent gear from Loch Low-Minn directly.
RockRat2008 - 12/19/2012 12:58 PM
Hey Greg,

My wife and I were planning on doing our New Year’s dive up in Mermet Springs but I’ll talk to her and maybe we’ll head out here and meet up with you guys instead. This has been on our list of new sites to dive so this would be a chance to tick it off the list. :-)

Greg - 12/19/2012 1:06 PM
that would be cool. I’m still trying to find a place that will rent us a farmer john and some tanks on that day.

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