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Opening Night Lobster Season [NBTT Secret Spot] - 10:30 PM
Event Date Fri, September 30, 2011 - Sat, October 1, 2011
Event Location XYZ Location in PV

Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 18


Conditions Expected: 
Surf: NO SURF! 0.5?
High Tide: 1:00 AM

Bring lobster gauges, licenses, lobster report cards.

Hunting starts at 12:01AM!

Level of Skill: Advanced (Highly Recommended)
Depth of Location: 30-40 feet (most reef shallower)

When to Dive:  At High or Low Tide (2 - 3 ft Surf Max)
What you may find: Lots of healthy, regulation size bugs!
Site Hazards:  Somewhat steep hike down hill, Large Stones Entry, Lots of Sea Urchins!! (Excellent Buoyancy Control and knee pads Highly Recommended)
Site Facilities:  None


tmncali - 10/01/2011 5:34 PM

Had a great time, Glad to meet all of you....

Can someone post the screen names of everyone who was there?

Thanks for the Dive/Hiking trip!!!!!


Tromptista - 10/01/2011 1:58 PM
Dive Recap - 1st Dive - 8 Divers, Max Depth: 30 ft, Bottom Time: 50 Minutes, Viz: 15-20ft, Surf: 2 ft, Surge: Moderate, Temperature: Warm / Thermocline at 25-30 ft Lots of barely short bugs but everyone got to practice!
2nd Dive: 2 Divers, Max Depth: 25 ft, Bottom Time: 25 Minutes, Conditions the same as 1st dive. Great Group hope to see our dive groups get bigger!
WaterBaby - 9/30/2011 11:52 PM
Have fun you guys! Wish I was going!!!
tmncali - 9/30/2011 8:48 PM

I dont think I am going to make the 8:30 meet, can someone text, or email me directions to where I can meet up with you, afterwards?


Thank you


JMartin - 9/30/2011 11:14 AM

Okay have Melissa ready with the pot this time, no excuses :-)
Tromptista - 9/30/2011 10:46 AM
I texted Chris so he should know buy I will try him again at lunch. Ill grab one of those starter logs after shakeys. Been strategizing my hunt these past two nights haha
lvh2o_2010 - 9/29/2011 10:19 PM

Has anyone called Chris? We need to get that guy on this site.
lvh2o_2010 - 9/29/2011 10:04 PM

Ill bring a few pieces of firewood, does anyone have a duralog,, or what ever you call those firelogs, It will be easier to start a fire if we use one of those logs first. Should be a fun night, I am going to have a hard time sleeping tonight.
Tromptista - 9/29/2011 5:11 PM
High Tide, No surf, we can just hug the shallow wall all night for 4 hour bottom time and 70 LBS of lobster per diver!!
JMartin - 9/29/2011 2:54 PM

Looks like hunting conditions will be AWESOME!
ken28730 - 9/29/2011 1:31 AM
Steve and I are down for a camp-out morning dive on Sat.

Anyone wants to join us?
Tromptista - 9/28/2011 11:03 AM
Meet up at Shakeys Pizza in Torrance for late dinner get together, 8:30PM on right side of Torrance Blvd as you head west just before Palos Verdes Blvd. (5105 Torrance Blvd) If you havent had shakeys before they have awesome chicken, pizza, mojos. We’ll shoot for a light version so we dont chum the waters!
ken28730 - 9/27/2011 2:29 AM

Besides the lobster kit, you will need to buy fishing license AND lobster card. Everything can be bought at Sport Chalet.

BTW, have you done night dive before?
tmncali - 9/26/2011 1:10 PM

so is this a midnight dive friday night? and if i come, can i just buy that kit they have at sport chalet?

This would be my first time diving for lobsters, is that going to be an issue with those going, who don’t/won’t want to show/wait for me?

I understand if it is an issue, i would just like to be told upfront, so I can decide if it is worth coming to......I am cool either way.
hcdiveteambrian - 9/26/2011 1:03 PM
We were gonna try and make it to your secret spot. but hardcorediveteam is going around the corner!! To another secret spot!! Last year conditions were muddy water vis less than 4, kelp so thick on the surface at the waters edge stretching out past the breaking surf, it was a chore walking through 3 ft surf on the kelp!! It cut down on the amount of divers though. HardcoreDiveTeam filled some sacks! Good luck NBTT divers, have a blast!!! And remember no matter how exciting it gets or how big the bugs are watch your air, hoses, and where you are. And most important, when you got some in the bag don’t let em out while trying to put another one in! Because they come out in groups! 
JMartin - 9/16/2011 9:40 AM
hcdiveteambrian - 9/10/2011 9:22 PM
HardcoreDiveTeam is normally around the Northern banks, elbow deep in mass action. Where you’re going would be cool, divin, campin and cookin! I’ll see if HCDT wants to join you guys! Last year DFG was combing the peninsula with officers until daylight. Grind off a 1/16 or an 1/8" off your gauge if you want to make sure you’re getting good bugs. Also last year mother nature threw a good curveball at the north shores by dirty conditions, most divers didn’t spend 20mins before giving up. HCDT had a good night! So we might see you at your secret spot!
Tromptista - 8/18/2011 11:49 PM

Catching Lobster is like "trying to talk to a hot girl at a bar...they know why you are there and they know what your want"

If you are a bit rusty at catching lobster, check out this guys shpeal :-)

- No Tickle ticks allowed in CA lobster hunting.

- Legal Size: 3.25 Inches from between the horn on the eyes and the edge of the carapace

- License Cost: about $53 (includes the lobster report card)

- For additional restrictions and details: