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DiveBuddy now "pings" blogging websites.
Greg - 5/06/2008 8:57 AM
View Member Articles
Category: Other
Comments: 2
There are many blogging websites on the Internet and most provide a "ping" service that allows you to tell them when a blog has been written. now automatically sends a ping to several of the most popular blogging sites when you write a new blog.

Here are a few examples:

You don’t have to do anything else in order for a ping to be sent. Just write a new blog on and other blogging sites will be notified. This helps to spread the word about your blog and makes it easier for others to find your content when searching the Internet.




Greg - 5/06/2008 10:06 PM
Yes, this helps to spread the word about DiveBuddy also, since the blog is hosted on our site. So roll up your sleeves and write some good blogs :)
dalehall - 5/06/2008 2:04 PM
Won’t this, in turn, help people find DiveBuddy that might not know about it? Of course, all good DiveBuddy members should be telling everyone about the site, right?? :)

Great job Greg..