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Divers practice aquatic conservation and go green (Photos)
JudiHope - 2/03/2013 4:00 AM
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Category: External Blogs
Comments: 1
The water is one of the most universal ways to bring people together to practice aquatic conservation together.Green Divers are taking the marine world by storm. The Green Diver Initiative is an online community empowered to make a...


hcdiveteambrian - 2/03/2013 3:12 PM
Beautiful Article. A friend of mine in Florida has started a successful Green Divers of Florida diving operation. Not only did the page developer venture into the Green Diver Initiative, prior to his scuba diving training and experience, he shot out a request for donations of scuba gear from divers anywhere in the world to realize his goals. Donations came in, he put it together, and right now is building a dream. He’s a friend of mine, and a friend to our aquatic environment, his name is Daniel Rouch.