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Signs of swimmer in distress/near drowning
scubatrivia - 12/09/2012 12:16 AM
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Category: Educational
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This is a very important video to watch - for ANYONE who is going near water. Particularly important for scuba divers as this contradicts what we are taught in the PADI Rescue course. Panicking people splash at the surface, but drowning people are often silent .A person may drown and nobody may notice the signs of trouble until it is to late .Usually most people expect a swimmer may be in some sort of trouble and struggling in the water accompanied by yelling or crying out for help. But as the video shows ,that is not always the case, swimmers in difficulty may be struggling in silence just next to any person who doesn’t even realise that the person needs help till it is too late and without a whimper just slipped under water. This type of situations happens more frequently than we would like but if we can learn to recognize the signs of distress,it may mean the difference between life and death. Deep water whether in a swimming pool or ocean is an environment not to be taken for granted. Many things can happen..I came across this You Tube video and feel that it is important enough to share it especially among the educators of scuba diving and swimming .

Silent unnoticed signs of swimmer in distress