Yesterday at Lake Pleasant Adventure
Day Arizona divers were introduce to a new concept in dive clubs,
AZ-DiveBuddies.A membership based divers club with a lot to offer
it’s members. This isn’t an ordinary social club.Their membership can shop
equipment with a discount program that offers gear below the normal website
price of LeisurePro and Scubatoys and/or they can get discounts at local dive
shops. They operate their own compressor which is certified quarterly by TRI
Compressed Air Analysis to Grade E. They operate their own equipment repair
service and also offer trips. The membership fee is very reasonable as active
divers will end up saving much more than the annual cost with free fills a free
tank VIP and the other discounts the program includes. Because of their
equipment purchase program those that are looking for new gear can save enough
in there first year of membership to pay for the membership many times over even
if they weren’t to use the rest of the member benefits.
The main theme of
this group is to promote the sport of diving through offering quality training,
gear, travel and service all at a discount. This making it possible for divers
to be in the water more often, be better equipped and better trained. This
concept is designed to maintain a group of practiced, well equipped, reliable
divebuddies which promotes further safety. It’s an amazing program that I
suggest all divers investigate and then invest in. I wish it had existed when I
started diving but instead I’ve designed and made it available for us all now.
Our group presently has 5 istructors to serve your needs from openwater
through technical diving.
Based in Mesa but we will be going wherever the
water is. Look forward to the announcement of our social nights and trip
schedule. For more information or to apply for membership call (480)
Be one of the first 50 paid members and you may be the winner of an
Aeris AT 600 Ion LT regulator
Join while we are in our startup membership
drive and avoid the $20 administrative fee.
Rob Walker -
AZ-DiveBuddies LLC