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Curtis from Brevard County FL | Scuba Diver

Diving since 4/98. GUE Cave trained in 11/99.

No longer cave dive, although may do intro level with buddy I’m comfortable with.

Recently retired, so available anytime with couple of days notice.

My buddy list reflects those I have actually been in the water with and would dive with again. Please wait until we actually dive together to send a buddy request.

Spend 90% of my time in fresh water, most in FL, salt water diving interests me only if not the mundane tourist-diver trips, enjoy night dives, hate DM controlled cattle boats. I definitely will join casual trips to meet new people, but prefer diving with a regular. Contact by PM if interested in meeting up for some diving.

I consider most go-pros & cameras a nuisance, I like diving in the present, not going through the motions for future review. Not to say an unobtrusive one unwelcome, or covering a photogs 6 o’clock not enjoyable, but find most overdone, and I do prefer a certain level of anonymity.