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Are Snorkels Necessary ?
Smithsgold - 6/20/2016 5:16 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 72

Are Snorkels Necessary in the Diving you do ?
Diving_Granpa - 2/27/2018 4:10 AM
[Choose #5] I carry one or wear for teaching but haven’t ’used’ one for diving in over 20 years
captn_rob - 9/28/2017 4:54 PM
[Choose #5] When diving from shore or when long surface swims may be required or in rough surface conditions, absolutely. For boat dives where a lot of surface swimming is unlikely then probably not so much.
Starky - 8/11/2017 2:09 PM
[Choose #1] Always keep one in my kit and a spare mask and snorkel just in case.
Brian_V - 7/10/2017 8:52 PM
[Choose #2] They just get in the way!
alonderick - 6/28/2017 6:15 PM
[Choose #5] If I’m diving in kelp and have to surface swim, I like a snorkel so I can see the kelp rather than back into it
UnderwaterMartini - 3/31/2017 10:55 AM
[Choose #2] It sits in my gear bag only.
emack - 3/20/2017 8:17 PM
[Choose #5] I use full face mask, carry a snorkel and xtra mask in my pocket
Seeteufel - 2/03/2017 8:31 AM
[Choose #3] Sometimes you just need one....
GenoMc - 11/18/2016 3:16 AM
[Choose #5] Yes Always when Open water diving, Never while Cave or Cenote diving
Caloosa - 10/30/2016 6:59 AM
[Choose #5] If seas are rough I bring one along for surface breathing, especially on drift diving while waiting for the boat pickup.
ELLOCODIABLO - 10/06/2016 5:09 PM
[Choose #2] never!! not much use in a cave.....
Pixel - 9/14/2016 8:19 AM
[Choose #2] I don’t even own one....own everything else, besides that and tanks.
EDDIE0776 - 8/09/2016 12:56 PM
[Choose #5] only wear and use one in rough ocean and drift dives. Never in cave or cavern dives
DMDave - 8/08/2016 8:07 PM
[Choose #2] I normally dive in the caverns of North Florida and a snorkel in an overhead environment is worthless.
msauto - 8/01/2016 1:59 PM
[Choose #3] I think i am gonna quit wearing it though as i never use it and keep grabing it instead of my bcd inflator! LOL
joe_bird - 8/01/2016 6:32 AM
[Choose #5] Depends on the dive site. I usually don’t anymore unless I know I’ll have a long surface swim or some surf
Resqdivemedic - 7/25/2016 9:08 PM
[Choose #5] Wear and use for recreational dives, do not wear when diving as a public safety diver.
Kamdive - 7/10/2016 1:43 PM
[Choose #3] Being a new diver I always wear one
Curtis - 6/29/2016 9:42 PM
[Choose #5] Either a snorkel or tanks, never mixed. And, best snorkel is a simple tube of sufficient diameter.
Anonymous - 6/28/2016 10:01 PM
[Choose #5] carry a pocket snorkel
urbaneve - 6/27/2016 7:23 PM
[Choose #2] the only time i wear one is if seas are rough
tstormdiver - 6/27/2016 7:42 AM
[Choose #5] They are a tool, like any other pice of scuba equipment. I use one only when teaching (standards) or when diving where the water may become unexpectantly rough to protect the airway
Rich-D-Fish - 6/24/2016 10:40 AM
[Choose #5] Only in Laguna Beach, CA when a lifeguard is present, because they are snorkel nazzis!
scuba_sarge - 6/23/2016 6:37 PM
[Choose #5] When in the ocean. Going to get a foldable one though.
WarmWaterTurner - 6/22/2016 3:58 PM
[Choose #3] Primarily only for class but I do dive with one operator in Playa that requires them to be on his boat.
BobW - 6/22/2016 9:17 AM
[Choose #5] Folding snorkel in BC pocket but never use. Since it has no purge valve it could also be used for rescue breathing while still in the water.
lerpy - 6/21/2016 5:40 PM
[Choose #5] Keep one rolled up in my pocket, but it has yet to come out. I don’t carry one cave diving for obvious reasons.
AggieDiver96 - 6/21/2016 2:19 PM
[Choose #5] Foldable in the pocket. Hardly ever used.
Anonymous - 6/21/2016 2:18 PM
[Choose #5] I keep a foldable snorkel in my pocket but rarely use it
xtian - 6/21/2016 10:49 AM
[Choose #5] I keep a foldable snorkel in my pocket but have never used it.
Greg - 6/21/2016 8:33 AM
[Choose #5] I wear one in Ocean only for safety. Also, they are nice to have in Lakes and Rivers during surface intervals.
RAWalker - 6/20/2016 7:51 PM
[Choose #5] It’s good to have one. I have a folding one I keep in a pocket for when needed.
ram04769 - 6/20/2016 7:50 PM
[Choose #5] I always have mine but haven’t used it very often. I haven’t done any ocean dives yet where I believe they would be very beneficial.
Eric_R - 6/20/2016 6:54 PM
[Choose #5] I’ll wear one when it’s a long swim through shallow water to the drop off or during doing safety diver for local triathlons.
BeekeeperGreg - 6/20/2016 6:48 PM
[Choose #1] Unless speaking I keep a snorkal in or regulator in my mouth, I find myself relaxed on the surface and never get a mouth of salt water.
diverray - 6/20/2016 6:46 PM
[Choose #5] Not absolutely necessary, but I use mine almost all the time when I am swimming on the surface, to the boat, to the down line, etc.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/20/2016 5:30 PM
[Choose #3] I was on 2 group trips from another board where members were vocal about divers not needing snorkels. Conditions requireing snorkels left some gasping for air.