Michael - Riverdiver
Sioux City IA
68 years old
Joined On: 3/22/2008
Last Login: 5/28/2015
Experience: Expert
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Only drink
Relationship: Married
Children At Home: No
Company: The Scuba Shak
Im a 27 year veteran of scuba diving live in the midwest, Iowa, and enjoy traveling all over to dive. The only bad dive I ever had was one I didnt make. I know there will be people skeptical of the # of dives I have listed. In way of explination I do commercial diving and search and rescue diving and a majority of my dives are in those discplines. I have a bout 550 recreational dives. Places I’ve dove included Lake Superior, (north shore, south shore and Isle royal) Bull Shoals and Table Rock lake on the white river System. All the resivoires on the Missouri River system except Ft Peck Thas on the schedule for this summer. Bonne terra mine. Couzmel Jamica and Belize. And I think every pond, lake and gravel pit with in 100 miles of home.