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Tiger Grouper - Playa Giron - Jan 07
Spotted Drumfish - Playa Giron, Cuba - Jan 07
Spotfin Burrfish - Playa Giron, Cuba - Jan 07
Sand Diver eating Yellowtail Snapper - Playa Giron, Cuba - Jan 07
Queen Triggerfish - Playa Giron, Cuba - Jan 07
Peacock Flounder - Playa Giron, Cuba - Jan 07
School of Atlantic Spadefish - Santa Lucia, Cuba - April 06
Moray Eel - Santa Lucia, Cuba - April 06
Southern Stingray - Santa Lucia, Cuba - April 06
Queen Triggerfish - Santa Lucia, Cuba April 06
Spotfin Butterflyfish - Santa Lucia, Cuba - april 06
Banded Coral Shrimp in a Sea Sponge - Playa Giron, Cuba - jan 07
Spotted Moray Eel - Santa Lucia, Cuba - april 06
Honeycomb Cowfish - Santa-Lucia, Cuba, april 06
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron, 7 - jan 07
Corals - Playa Coral, Playa Giron, Cuba jan 07
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron, 6 - jan 07
Nurse Shark - Poseidon IV, Santa-Lucia, Cuba - april 06
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron, 5 - jan 07
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron 4 - jan 07
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron 3 -  jan 07
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron 2 - jan07
Me taking pictures - Cuba Play Giron jan 07
Me and my business partner Cynthia