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Profile Comments > Grinner
Grinner - 2/24/2013 9:30 AM
I made a 87% on the following quiz:
Emergency Care - CPR and First Aid
Grinner - 2/24/2013 9:22 AM
I made a 80% on the following quiz:
Jacques Cousteau Quiz
Grinner - 2/24/2013 9:15 AM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 2
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:57 AM
I made a 93% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diver Refresher - Quick Review
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:51 AM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Shark Identification Quiz
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:45 AM
I made a 90% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Physics Basics
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:38 AM
I made a 90% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 3
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:34 AM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Rescue Diver Knowledge Review Quiz 3
Greg - 2/24/2013 9:26 AM
Awesome job on all the quizzes. Seems like you know your stuff.
Grinner - 2/24/2013 8:14 AM
I made a 90% on the following quiz:
Rescue Diver Knowledge Review Quiz 2
Grinner - 2/24/2013 7:58 AM
I made a 97% on the following quiz:
Rescue Diver Knowledge Review Quiz 1