Where in South Florida do you dive, shore or boat? I also live in Delray.
gtto - 8/04/2020 7:42 PM 
Hi Bernie, Mainly beach dives at this point. Worried about being on a boat with too many people. I have been careful with this covid thing fro months and don’t want to blow it. Dove with two other guys at Vista Park in Ft Lauderdale today. Saw more lobsters than I can count walking together along the bottom! We will probably go Friday. At this point we are just looking for easy dives but at some point we will start swimming out to the drop-off so we get some depth. Might do some wreck dives in the keys later on. Let me know if you would like to dive.
Hello I would like to partner up with other diver/s either in the gulf or east coast to do some wreck, reef, spearfishing, lobster hunting etc..... I can get a boat. Must have at least two weeks notice to get a boat. Willing to travel close. Hit me up for additional information. Mr.Gonzalez
I’m more than willing! We can chat over lunch/beer and plan a dive together. I’m in Jupiter but willing to drive a bit down to South Palm Beach/Broward Counties :)
gtto - 9/22/2020 5:10 PM 
Brandon, Which post are you replying to?
I didn’t even notice Rafel61’s post, but both of you I suppose!