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Jupiter Florida
scubadmike - 12/29/2018 5:00 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Need dive buddy to go diving in Jupiter FL. on 1/5/19 Saturday .Scuba Works boat "Devocean" morning boat .I travel from Palm Bay.For more info my e-mail is
scubadmike - 1/01/2019 4:54 AM
This is a up date 1 to 2 Ft. seas & mild north current .There is still room on "Devocean " Scuba Works boat ...................
webbinator - 1/01/2019 12:26 PM
Can you tell me more please? I am interested. Driving from Tampa Friday if I go and want to know dive dives, number or dives, if I need to rent a tank, etc