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My TV Show
ScoobahJim - 10/30/2018 7:58 PM
Category: Videography
Replies: 4

Hello Everyone,

I will be releasing my TV show on Public TV here in Otter-tail county and also on Youtube in the Fall of 2019!!

Please visit my youtube channel to check out my trailer!

Please like and subscribe to it if you like what you see. I need as much support as possible to make this happen.

It will be a family friendly and educational TV show about Marine life, and advfenture in Minnesota’s cold water! The show is meant for all ages!

P.S. If there’s anyone that would like to join us for a dive, or you want us to join you.. or if you have any ideas for an episode, please feel free to contact me! Our team is small, very friendly, and always willing to make new friends!
ScoobahJim - 10/31/2018 12:18 PM
Awesome! I will absolutely check it out!
Smithsgold - 10/31/2018 1:07 PM
Shipwrecks are real cool to dive just remember to be careful.