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A Single Place for ALL Trips?
nickg - 5/01/2018 3:41 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Hi everyone! I’m new to DiveBuddy and wanted to share a project I’ve been working on!

Quick About Me: I started diving at the age of 10 and haven’t been able to shake the craving ever since! Because of that, I decided to set out to try to build a platform that could help dive shops and divers all together.

Poll: Would it be helpful to have a site that showcases all of the available trips out there? Typically, people are diving with their local dive shop, but that shops dates may not coincide with your plans. I’d hate for you to have to miss out! What if there was a place that you could sign up with a trip another group is already going on? Would this be helpful?

Again, just looking for some feedback.

If you’re an instructor or dive shop who puts trips together, I’d love to connect and get feedback from you as well!
Eric_R - 5/02/2018 10:33 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment:

Are they still active Ray. Site has some serious issues.
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/02/2018 3:12 PM
From Eric_R: Are they still active Ray. Site has some serious issues.

It was started by Gary at Conch Republic and it’s still their booking site but I’ve never used it for anyone else.

A lot of shops are suspicious of other shops so they won’t do this or form buying co-ops to compete against LP and the other online shops because they think the guy who started it will steer the business to himself.