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Dive Buddies Wanted! See description for info!
Nitediver - 3/26/2018 12:27 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

I’m in the process of planning a trip along Route 66 and I’m looking for buddies to dive with during my trip. If you know of a dive-able area near the Mother Road (within about 50 miles one way) and might be available to dive with me let me know. I’ve found many area that might have potential, but as always a buddy is a must.
So if you are interested in this let me hear from you. Dates will be determined after I have an idea of areas and potential dive buddies.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/26/2018 1:14 PM
A good start would be to go up to Scuba Earth and hop along route 66 to see what dive sites are nearby. That will also show you Dive Buddy members along the route who you might meet up with.
Nitediver - 3/26/2018 2:28 PM
I’ve done that. Will start reaching out to divers in the various areas that I’ve tagged as possible dive sites. But asking for input first is to me, anyway, a better start than just firing a shotgun blast and hoping.