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Compact but good quality camera gear for action diving
johanohl - 12/03/2017 10:19 PM
Category: Videography
Replies: 2

Hi, I am new here and wanted to start with sharing some... I enjoy diving unrestricted but also want to take good quality photos and videos, in the past I have been using a gopro which is great compact size but I was not fully happy about the quality, and the lack of zoom etc. After some searching I purchased a Sony RX100 with a Meikon houing and LED 12k lumen light. I have now tested it and it works great allowing my to set the dive limits (the camera does not set the limits) my next liveaboard is to Tahiti with some strong currents expected and I am confident this will be a great rig for it. Here’s a video on how it looks
Eric_R - 12/04/2017 7:43 AM
What does that setup cost? If your focus is video or photography then your equipment should reflect that. This setup looks great. I’m only curious of the cost so others can see what it takes to make a jump to this type of equipment. I use a GoPro but only because my focus is to dive and record anything I may see. As you have stated GoPro has it’s limitations but for the price it’s tough to beat for a compact easy to use camera. I’m looking forward to your videos to see what this thing can do in the hands of another diver.
Thanks for posting.
Elbrooks - 8/01/2022 4:21 AM
I know I’m late to the topic, but maybe it’s gonna be helpful to other people. Got myself 2 nice Sealife cameras( one for myself, one for my wife). Nice, clean, waterproof. The only problem is that it’s so small that you’re kinda forced to get their housing for it, otherwise it’s too scary to dive with it since you can easily lose it.