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Sept & Oct Shore Access Diving in NJ - Locations and Buddies Wanted
vstar07 - 9/02/2017 3:17 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Hi. I am interested in shore access diving and finding local dive buddies in NJ. South NJ would be great, but I am happy to travel to other parts of NJ as needed. Thanks in advance.
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/02/2017 6:25 PM
September and October are the best times for Jersey shore dives, the tourist are gone and the tropicals that got sweep up here in the Gulf stream are still around.

North Jersey has more shore wrecks because they were heading for NY when they went around.

We are going to try Maclearie Park tomorrow evening but with this rain the vis might suck.
BeekeeperGreg - 9/02/2017 8:46 PM
Check out this web site:

Scuba Earth on dive buddy is a good resource.

There is dredging happening in Northern NJ, which I believe has given us a worse than usual vis this year.
Typically southern NJ isn’t as good as Northern NJ.
vstar07 - 9/02/2017 9:38 PM
Unfortunately I cannot make Maclearie Park tomorrow night, as I am already scheduled to dive Dutch Springs. Thanks though. If possible, please post the next time you are heading to Maclearie Park, would like to join you if I can. Thanks.
vstar07 - 9/02/2017 9:41 PM
Thanks Greg.