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Looking for dive buddies go Dutch Springs and NJ shore
DJJR15 - 7/24/2017 11:04 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 6

I am DJ 36 male from central NJ. I am AOW certified, nitrox certified, Dive boat and PPB. Have a bad schedule but can dive in the week and sometimes in the weekend. Like going to Dutch springs and camping there. Also started diving at the NJ shore. Please add me as a buddies or contact to be able to plan dives. Available for the first weekend in August and some days in the week if anyone in the area is interested. Thank you, DJ
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/25/2017 10:42 AM
Keep an eye on the forum, there are a group of us who do Shark River during the summer and fall and the date and time will be posted here. MaClearie Park is always at slack high tide and usually a dusk dive because that’s the best time to find seahorses.
DJJR15 - 7/25/2017 10:55 AM
Thank you I will, finally able to communicate and answer to post. Really like the site and looking forward to meet new people to dive with. Heard about this site threw a gentleman that was on a dive boat.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 7/25/2017 7:37 PM
From DJJR15: Heard about this site threw a gentleman that was on a dive boat.

Were you on the Venture III? Welcome if you were - I am on vacation next week so the next 2 or 3 weeks are tight but after that I will see if we can hook up at MacLearie Park for a dive or two.
DJJR15 - 7/26/2017 3:03 PM
Yes Carl, I am the rookie that was on the Venture III. Thank you was able to find dive buddies, have good time on vacation and we can try some dives when you come back.
Flame145 - 7/28/2017 5:16 PM
I can go to dutch on Tuesday 8/2 if your interested
AchimH - 8/13/2017 8:48 AM
Hi are you still looking?