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Blue Grotto (Florida) - July 14th - 2-Tank Dive
OrneryPirate - 7/07/2017 10:38 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

I’m putting together a little diver get-together for 10am, July 14th at Blue Grotto. This will be a 2-Tank dive and everyone is welcome. Picnic lunch and story-telling always welcome! Looking to meet other divers in the area and make new friends.

If you’re interested, please let me know!


Curtis - 7/12/2017 11:53 AM
Maybe, decide tonight. How many you expecting, and is that both tanks same time?
OrneryPirate - 7/12/2017 2:00 PM
So far I’ve got 3 divers total. We will do one tank, take a break / surface interval and lunch then one more tank.

Thanks for your interest,

Curtis - 7/13/2017 7:05 PM
Was hoping for more than two, unless we’re doing hour dives. :-)

Anyways, think I’m game, been dry for a few weeks, been a couple years since been to BG, they sure have fixed it up since the 90’s.

Am I looking for a Pirate Flag?

BTW, was joking, if you noticed my profile pic it’s my version of a 3 tank dive.....
OrneryPirate - 7/13/2017 7:34 PM
Hey Curtis,

We are going to meet around 10am. I have a Ram 1500 crew cab truck. My mobile is 239-246-2607.

Look forward to meeting and diving with you.
