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Getting re-certified or refresher course?
Shannoninspired85 - 6/22/2017 1:32 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 7

I haven’t been diving in 15 years and got certified with PADI as an OWD when I was 16 in South florida. I’m now in Buffalo, NY looking to get back into scuba. Wondering if I should take a refresher or do a whole new course!?
Another note, I excelled in my class but do not remember much from my teenage experience.
Looking for advice as well as info on experiences with the dive shops in Buffalo/Niagara Falls areas.

Thanks for reading!

Always stoked,
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/22/2017 8:20 AM
Shannon, Welcome back into the pool!

If you were diving in Florida I would say refresher but Buffalo is going to be cold dark waters and thicker wetsuit if not drysuit diving.

I would talk to shops there, maybe they’ll do a check out dive with you and then run you thru a river diving course to see if you can handle local diving or need more training.
Eric_R - 6/22/2017 10:15 AM
I agree with Lat. Go through the local dive shop and they should be able to determine your needs. Welcome back to diving and welcome to DB.
ELLOCODIABLO - 6/22/2017 3:56 PM
Welcome back. I would do the full course myself. I got certed 16 yrs ago and i see how much has changed in that time.
BillParker - 6/22/2017 10:08 PM
Plan to get recertified. 99.999% chance you will fail a basic skills test after all this time.
JeffNColdWater - 6/22/2017 11:35 PM
Welcome back. About 11 months ago I was in your exact shoes just on the other side of the country. I got certified and was doing nothing but warm water diving. I then stopped for 7 years. Now I live in the Pacific Northwest. Because cold water diving is so much different I decided to up my training with AOW certification. It came with a lot of benefits.

I was able to meet local divers.
Got a guided tour of a couple local sites.
I improved my skill set for the different types of situations that you encounter in colder water.
My instructor started me out with a pool fresher course gratis.

Even though diving is a safe sport it requires up-to-date experience to maintain that safety. Don’t risk your life and those diving with you.
mikeytmh - 2/22/2018 6:42 AM
Hi Shannon,
If you feel confident with your skills, a refresher would be fine providing your instructor goes over the physics, physiology & dive tables. The equipment hasn’t changed that much & your instructor will (should) go over them anyway. Welcome back :-)
sdweller - 4/29/2018 12:34 PM
A full Refresher Course is all that is required...but from a Dive Center standpoint you will need to be comfortable and possibly one day might not be enough. Refresher is the place to start for sure though!