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Buddy wanted - Monterey Bay / SCAL Channel Islands & Oil Rig dive
exTaylorDiver - 5/21/2017 5:15 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Looking for buddy available for dives in Monterey Bay 1- 2 times each month, and for dives in Southern California Channel Islands and oil rigs.
Bisch7 - 5/27/2017 4:37 PM
I am available for SOCAL diving, i own a 21ft striper WA. Heading to Catalina this weekend see how it works out. My free days however, are Thurs-Fri
AYeezy - 5/31/2017 10:21 AM
Im always up for the Monterey Bay dives. Let me know when and where. I live in Sacramento so when i head that way i usually aim for about 4 dives.