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Maclearie Park, Shark River night dive again? Sat. Aug 15th
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/03/2015 9:55 AM
Category: Event
Replies: 11

High tide is again at 9:01 PM Sorry but no blue moon this time. This is a short shallow slow drift dive, enter before high tide and then as it changes flush you back to the stairs or you might want to spend the whole dive in one spot looking for seahorses.

Here’s one of Mike’s finds from 8/1

I have two extra lights but if Katrina is coming she has 1st dibs on the canister light.
m_grieco - 8/03/2015 2:06 PM
I’ll come, might bring my wife too, I’ll rent her a tank, think she could borrow your other light?
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/04/2015 5:15 AM
The other light is a PrincetonTec that’s not very bright but I assume she will be with you so she won’t really need much :)

My 80’s are in for o2 cleaning, I’ll be using a 63, that 63 you borrowed last year is in for hydro but should be back by the 15th however I did promise it to Katrina but she emptied an 80 so a 63 probably won’t work for her.
KDAD - 8/04/2015 10:21 AM
Sorry. Can’t make this one. I will be on the plane returning from Puerto Vallarta! Hope to get some decent diving in down there.
SaltyBones - 8/11/2015 5:39 AM
I will be there. Meet time (Between 7:30 & 8:00 again)?
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/11/2015 5:43 AM
From SaltyBones: Meet time (Between 7:30 & 8:00 again)?

That’s the plan but last time I talked to much and was late entering :(
m_grieco - 8/11/2015 9:35 AM
Me too, and I got separated because I had to fiddle with my camera on the steps prior to entering the water so next time I’ll make sure we enter close to the same time. My wife is looking to tag along this time too.
m_grieco - 8/13/2015 6:49 PM
Looks like we’re at 6 including my wife...Ray, Joe, Katrina, Carl, my wife, and I. Anyone else coming that I miss? I’ll be shooting down again straight after work; here’s praying for a not so busy day.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 8/16/2015 1:46 PM
Great time - I did a short video from 8/15/15..

Night Dive with Seahorses
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/17/2015 4:35 AM
From DiverfromBaskingRidge: Great time - I did a short video from 8/15/15..

Arrg! Our firewall won’t let me watch it from work :(

When we first went in there was a lot of silt but that cleared out, okay viz and lot’s of critters, probably saw twice as many seahorses as last time, even pairs! The usual Jersey stuff, eels in assorted sizes, one pipe fish that was hanging out in my light but wouldn’t stand still, I should have shot video and Mikes unidentified orange fish.