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Ponquogue Bridge - Long Island NY
Btrax - 5/02/2015 1:49 PM
Category: General
Replies: 1

Dove Ponquogue bridge this morning with a friend. Drysuits - Vis was great 15 -20 ft. Still pretty much devoid of life as water temps were around 48 degrees. There were lots of green crabs, horseshoe craps and a lonely sea robin. Up from 39 degrees 2 weeks ago and up from a balmy 34 degrees the end of march lol. We will start diving it a couple of times a month if anyone is interested that lives locally let me know and i’ll keep you posted.
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/02/2015 6:19 PM
Brr.. It’s a little early for much marine life, I like September and October when we have the locals and some tropicals :)