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Spring or shore dive Florida Sat 11/23/13 anyone like to dive
ScubaCrab - 11/08/2013 10:34 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 8

Spring dive or shore dive Florida Sat 11/23/13 anyone like to dive? Hudson Grotto, Manatte Springs or Spanish Rocks.
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/09/2013 5:37 AM
I can’t make that weekend and am not interested in the springs BUT I’ve never dove the west coast of Florida and Spanish Rocks is near my daughters place. She’s a diver too but only dives when dad is paying. My kids al80’s at her place are out of VIP so I guess I need to pay for that too :( I’ll PM you when I’m coming down again to see if you are available. Ray
ScubaCrab - 11/11/2013 3:55 AM
Let me know when you head to Florida. Maybe we can do some diving?
tonyan - 11/12/2013 6:38 PM
I’m planning a 2 tank am and 2 tank pm west palm beach boat dive that day. Is that close to you?
ScubaCrab - 11/12/2013 7:54 PM
I love West Palm diving it is 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive not a problem except funds are too tight with a boat dive at this time. Sticking to the cheap spring dives until funds are replenished.

Have fun wish I could maybe another time?
tonyan - 11/12/2013 9:29 PM
Yes certainly, ill be back down at west palm beach soon
Vislor - 11/14/2013 9:21 PM
I’d probably be up for Manatee or Spanish Rocks if you’re still interested, maybe we can work some details out at the rally this weekend? Also if you get there early I’ll be in town early Saturday morning and could do a dive or two before the rally itself starts at 1:00 if you’re interested.
ScubaCrab - 11/14/2013 9:43 PM
I am all packed and ready to drive up to Ginny Springs in the morning arriving in the am or close to Lunch. Canping out Fri and Sat night. Hoping to get the camping area right behind the Rally between the river and the Ball Room. Look me up diving before the rally is the plan.
ScubaCrab - 11/20/2013 5:11 AM
Anyone want to dive thiw weekend?