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Buddies for Lionfish Derby Team 11-23
BottomFishin - 10/29/2013 8:33 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I am putting together a team of 4-6 for the 1st Annual Gold Coast Lionfish Derby!

Though, unfortunately, I am seeing more Lionfish at shallower depths, I would like to concentrate dive planning beyond 80’ where I have seen an unsettling amount of these voracious eaters!

I can forward the info on the Derby to anyone interested...
Derby starts sunrise 11-23 with weigh-ins at Rockin Angels in Boca Raton starting at 4pm!
Cash, prizes, food and fun!
badintexas - 10/31/2013 1:02 PM
I sent messages to a few members around that area to see if they’re available for the Lionfish Derby however, when you have a few minutes, you can do a search and send some also. It sounds like fun.. I wish we were closer!
BottomFishin - 10/31/2013 3:22 PM
Thank you... The event should be pretty big, 3 dive shops, and a bunch of sponsors are hosting it...I am not involved with the Derby Organizing, the LDS I use, World of Scuba is one of the Sponsors.

I posted so I can form a good team... though I’m competitive and would like to win, killing Lionfish is a passion of mine...I was diving with a friend recently, who was primarily interested in Lobstering, so I didn’t take my spear down with me... so though it proved ineffective, I attempted to beat one to death with my Lobster snare... my buddy probably thought I was suffering from Narcosis... as when I looked over at her I could tell she was cracking unless I’m teaching I will have a spear, or lion tamer, from here on out...