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Wed. or Thurs. Dive Buddy wanted for North Central Florida springs
SantaFeSandy - 9/11/2013 2:07 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Looking for another diver available to dive the springs of North Central FL on Wednesdays or Thursdays, who really wants to dive, and not just talk about it. Photographers & non-smokers preferred. Safety first, so no hot dogs looking to be stupid in the overhead environment.
ScubaCrab - 9/16/2013 5:47 AM
Hey Sandy
How about Paridise Springs Thurs Sep 19th #1dive I would like to go to the 100ft spot before the cave come back up to 80 to 60ft look around a little bit then 50ft for 1 min 1/2 depth safe to stop accend to 15 ft 3 min safety stop, surface for the apropriate time according to our computers.
#2dive go to 85ft go back to look around at 80ft to 60ft for a little bit. Do a 1 min safety stop 40-45ft then a 3min safety stop at 15 ft then surface. (I am trying to simulate 2 wreck dives in the morning)
After lunch a 30 to 50ft dive to simulate a reef dive. You could practice with your reels and or take pics if you wanted to or anything else time permiting?
Let me know if you care to do these dives with me?
Thanks Doug

Thanks Doug
ScubaCrab - 9/17/2013 6:26 PM
Diving Paradise Springs and looking forward to an awsome day of diving!
Sandy I will see you Thurs at 9:00am
ScubaCrab - 9/19/2013 7:14 PM
Had a great day of diveing Paridise Springs. Thank you Sandy for a chance to get wet. Nice to dive with a good safe diver. Have to do it again when I get back from Key Largo!
SantaFeSandy - 9/20/2013 4:08 AM
For sure Doug. You have a safe and fun time in Key Largo now. It was a real delight diving with you yesterday as well. I’ve got all the pictures posted on my website and also on Flickr and also on my Facebook Photography Page. Sent some to your cellphone as well.
ScubaCrab - 9/23/2013 3:19 PM
Want to dive Wed 10/02 or Thurs 10/03 Catfish Hotel Manatee Springs I have a family pass we can get I for free.
SantaFeSandy - 9/23/2013 3:31 PM
Absolutely yes Doug. I love both those holes. I’ll mark my calendar now. Lets shoot for Wed. first and this way if our plans need to change, we still have Thursday.