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LA Oil Rig
scubareed - 2/24/2012 7:11 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Good day buddies.

I am heading to LA on March 6th for a few days on business and have been exploring the option of possibly get a dive in around the oil rig called Eureka.

Looking to see if anyone knows the area and how often/duration of this trip would be. Only in LA for a short time so not a big window that I can dive in.

UWnewbee - 2/24/2012 7:25 PM
There is some info on the web,,but the question is, are you referring to LA as in Los Angeles Ca. or Louisiana? And whichever when you get to dive this, please share with us and add this as a dive site with you info/photos of this. Thanks
scubareed - 2/24/2012 7:27 PM
I have found some info but always seem to get more direct fb on here. It would be Los Angeles CA.
Rich-D-Fish - 2/25/2012 4:35 PM
Here is a link to all of the LA area dive boats: I would suggest checking their website calendars and/or calling them direct. The boats I see most often hitting the Rigs are the Sundiver Express, Sea Bass and the Pacific Star. Generally the small boats only go to them because they are live drop sites. Can’t anchor in 750’ of water. If none of them are going you might also consider joining our big group on our Catalina trip March 10th. We plan to hit Ship Rock plus two other sites. But I must admit the Rigs are a very cool dive and I hope you have the opportunity while here. Let me know if I can help further.