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B_Ward_NYC - 8/14/2011 1:17 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 13

Hey Everybody!

I just returned from another awesome dive vacation to Nassau, Bahamas. I did another round of shark diving, wreck, and reef diving with Stuart Cove’s. I added a few new pix from my dives (as many as I could for this website), and I loaded a few videos from the shark feeds as well. Feel free to check them out and I will be adding more info for upcoming divetrips in the future. This November I’m gone to TAHITI (Bora Bora & Rangiroa), and looking to return to Okinawa, Japan and Belize for 2012 so far. I hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer, and some awesome and amazing diving to build memories of a lifetime.

daz88 - 8/14/2011 8:26 PM
great pix! making me miss that warm water! thanks for sharing.
B_Ward_NYC - 8/14/2011 8:29 PM
Thank you
Rich-D-Fish - 8/15/2011 9:53 AM
Great photos. I just got back from Nassau and dove with Stuart Cove’s on Tuesday morning for two dives. First dive was a beautiful wall with quite a few sharks, but surprisingly not many fish. Second dive was the Two Sisters wrecks, with many schools of fish on the decks, and lots of wreck to penetrate. The Bahamas are beautiful to dive. 86 degree water with 100+ viz. However, I cancelled my Thursday morning dives because of the Stuart Cove’s "cattle car" operation and limited bottom time. I had read on other reviews that their dives were limited to 45 minutes of bottom time. When I heard the DM on the first dive say we need to be back in 30 minutes my jaw just about dropped. And no diving on our own either. We had to follow the DM on a tour with 20 other divers in a giant pack. We were told this was to insure a longer bottom time at our second dive site, which was not limited. But with a wreck at 85’ depth that dive ended up around 45 minutes anyway. I paid $110 for two dives, and my first dive I came up with over 1,200 psi. There were four beautiful sharks cruising right under the boat, yet I was waved up the anchor line. Bummer. But it was beautiful. Maybe next time I will try my luck with Bahamas Divers?
B_Ward_NYC - 8/15/2011 4:06 PM
Wow! That sucks Rich. I hear you about the cluster divers too. I had them on some of my dives too. I was doing about 4 dives per day (2 morning and 2 afternoon) to get in as much diving as I could. Some divers were more experienced than other, and we didn’t get much time to really explore that much either before being rounded up and back on the boat. I guess Stuart Cove’s is doing such great business they cut the diving time down to get the boats ready for the next group of divers. That place is making a KILLING on everything from diving, photos/videos, souvenirs, to the burger stand! They really got their act together. LOVE the Bahamas either way. Gorgeous!!
LandSeaAir - 8/15/2011 6:05 PM

Some excellent pics! I wanna goooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing!
B_Ward_NYC - 8/15/2011 6:42 PM
Thanks. I have so many more great ones to share but this site only allows me to add 50 pix. Maybe as the site grows we can add more pix and more videos
Nesher - 8/16/2011 12:29 AM

When are you planning on returning to Japan? Let’s talk as I would be interested in diving there.


B_Ward_NYC - 8/16/2011 3:59 AM
I’m looking at returning to Okinawa, Japan most likely around July/August 2012 before typhoon season. I want nothing but warm water and sunshine while I’m out there
B_Ward_NYC - 8/16/2011 3:59 AM
I’m looking at returning to Okinawa, Japan most likely around July/August 2012 before typhoon season. I want nothing but warm water and sunshine while I’m out there
Nesher - 8/17/2011 1:51 PM

Is this a group trip or are you spearheading this...either way. I want you to keep me in the loop.

 If we can get something down on the calendar it can help me.

So for now, I’m in if you want company, it’s easy to get there from San Francisco, CA.
B_Ward_NYC - 8/17/2011 5:55 PM
I used to live on Okinawa, so this will be a homecoming of sort for me. No group effort on this one. I was an Army brat living and learning my love of the ocean and nature on Okinawa, including my first experiences at snorkeling which eventually turned me towards diving and scuba. I’m looking at July/August 2012 before typhoon season, so right now I’m looking at the best times to book, the best hotels on the island right now, and the best dive operators on the island. Okinawa is known for awesome whale shark diving and gorgeous reefs. I will keep you posted on what I come up with. Most likely I will seek some help from my friend over at Caradonna dive booking. Hope all is well.
Nesher - 8/18/2011 1:40 AM

Roger that!
Johar - 8/24/2011 11:09 PM
amazing pictures =) ... damn i wanna feed some sharks now >.>