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Texas Clipper - S Padre
carpenterobueno - 11/08/2009 5:44 PM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 3

Hey kids, I’m thinking about heading down to S Padre to dive the Texas Clipper. Anyone have any advice on time of year to go for best viz? Best boats?


sk290 - 11/10/2009 12:08 AM
Hey there! The Texas Clipper is a blast but conditions can be very iffy. Check out my blog on that dive. I think that American Divers are the only outfit allowed at that site. There are also lots of oil rigs in the area to dive. You’ll have a great time!

carpenterobueno - 11/10/2009 10:30 AM

Great info on the blog. What was the name of the bar you went to? Did you use Nitrox?

sk290 - 11/11/2009 10:24 PM
Yep, nitrox but there was an upcharge for that. I remember that there was also a fuel upcharge but I’m not sure if they are still doing that. Can’t remember the bar, there are several along the beach. I think they all had great bloody Mary’s get your veggies! lol

Have fun!
