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Recommendations - Shark Repellents
Odana - 7/14/2015 8:00 AM
Category: General
Replies: 12

We will be in the Key Largo area in September.

Can any of you recommend particular shark repellents? We’ve seen conflicting information on the web as to whether magnetic wearable devices (like Sharkbanz) are better than chemicals, etc. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/14/2015 8:29 AM
I have seen nurse sharks in the Key’s, the trick with them is don’t put your hand in their mouth. What you really need to be afraid of are the dam Damsels, they keep nipping at you when you get close to their algae farm and don’t get me started on Triggerfish, during nesting season they will draw blood :(

BTW, the shark repellants issued to aircrews were placebos.
Eric_R - 7/15/2015 4:42 AM
My buddy said he would send his ex-wife.
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/15/2015 4:56 AM
Having a dive buddy who is a lawyer works, sharks won’t bite them as a professional courtesy :)

Do you know why sharks don’t bite divorcees? They are bitter :)
Odana - 7/15/2015 8:04 AM
Thanks very much for all the info here.

LatitudeAdjustment: As it happens, my wife is an attorney, so I should be golden! ;-)
tardmaster - 7/15/2015 5:27 PM
So my reply gets deleted because I asked if this was a serious question ?!?!?!?!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/18/2015 1:16 PM
From tardmaster: So my reply gets deleted because I asked if this was a serious question ?!?!?!?!

Trolling is not as big a sport here as it is on some other forums, I wasn’t sure myself if he was trolling but there are some divers who want to go underwater but not meet the marine life.

I have a cousin-in-law who has doubles, drysuite and all of the other crap us NE divers carry but only dives fresh water because what’s in the ocean scares him. When his wife was going to Roatan he asked me what else there was to do on the island because he didn’t intend to dive.

Me I pay extra to go where the sharks are and have never had an issue with them.
tardmaster - 7/18/2015 3:07 PM

My guess is that he was a troller. I too would pay extra to dive with sharks. That’s one of the main reason that I dive at the Georgia Aquarium. My wife and I are trying to save to do the white shark cage diving on the west coast.

diving in the ocean but being terrified of sharks is like wanting to be surgeon, but being afraid to see blood.
Pete12345 - 7/23/2015 7:42 PM
One of the urban legends, Tom. You missed a lot for no good reason. I never saw a bear in such a situation. Then also I was not looking for bears when I was ... ;) Only once I had a bear who would not go away and that was when I was there alone. So the conclusion must be that bears don’t like men without a company.