Bigdogdown - 4/03/2009 2:05 PM
This is where I really start believing in the Hogarth /DIR principles, not to disrespect anybody’s setup but mine seems so simple in comparison.

On my single tank setup;
Single 2" webbing weave on SS backplate and wing. With a crotch strap
Primary second stage on a 7’ hose down my right side around the BACK of my neck and in my mouth.
Secondary (octo) on necklace on a 22" hose.
Computer right wrist
Slates/compass Left wrist
Lift Bag in a sleeve attached to the bottom of the plate.
Analog brass and glass SPG clipped to left D ring
OMS line cutter knife on waistbelt
Primary light canister on waistbelt ALL the way to the right to the backplate
Assesscories in Right thigh pocket
Finger spool on backside crotchstrap D-ring
Safety Sausage in one of the bungees on my wing (I’ve switched to an OMS 60# banded wing for right now)
Wreck reels attached to right D ring
Backup lights on each chest d ring and rubber banded to chest strap.

Now that I write that all down maybe it doesn’t seem all that simple lol.