DreaminToSea - 1/24/2009 8:19 PM
I would love to take you up on your offer,the only hard part on your request is to figure out which of the six tanks to put the sticker on.I would be pleased to pay for the shipping if you could spring for six stickers.You would almost think that i was wanting to advertise Dive Buddy.
Just to put the word out to one and all.I plan on a trip in October to the Channel Islands on a all inclusive live aboard for three days With Truth Aquatics.If your into Lobster hunting/Spearfishing or just Diving in a beautiful surrounding’s than you might want to think about this.3,4,5,6 dives a day.Night dives as well.The price is under $600.00.Lodging,Great food,Tons of fun and excitement,Top Notch outfit.Might even get a chance to dive the Grace Oil Rig as well.If you can afford it you{DON’T WANT TO MISS THE BOAT}(LOL) for more info as well as the schedule give me a shout A.S.A.P. 4 slots left out of 25.Boat holds over 40 divers"AWESOME".
Hope you did not mind me posting this Greg!
Dreamin To Sea
PS:Dive Safe