DalelynnSims - 3/06/2007 7:48 AM
Logbooks come in many forms & the paper logbook is pretty much the standard, or was. With technology we have the ability to record a host of dive info. I keep mine in a simple spreadsheet, Excel. That said, whatever you use there are some things to consider when using computers. One thing for sure about them, they are going to fail. It’s just a matter of time. I work for the military and on computers as well and I have heard all the excuses and the bottom line, if it is something that you want to keep, have a backup. CD-Rs are great for an archive copy. Another consideration would be maintaining signatures. There are some things that you may want to keep in the paper form . . . yea if you don’t have a scanner. Bottom line is ensure your records however maintained are accurate. As you progress up the diving chain to instructor you will find yourself listing the students at a particular dive and the like as you expand the automated log. Possibilities limited only by your imagination.