SafeT - 3/17/2015 2:25 PM
I`m in Marathon and have a Hookamax Hooka rig, gas powered, that I have been using for 2 years now and really love it. 3 hrs or more at 30 ft with 2 experienced divers who are not "air hogs" You are more than welcome to stop by in the keys and try it out. We can run down to sisters creek and you can try it out. I differ with sandiver in that the pvc hose sold by Home depot are toxic and not suitable fro breathable air. Brownie, Air line and Hookamax are all using hose made for breathable air and are marked by the manufacture as such. My hoses are lettered as "breathable air safe" by the hose manufacture. Set up a time to give it a try, ahead of time, as I`m out sailing a lot in the spring and summer.