Arieh - 1/03/2015 8:07 AM
when i learnt to dive, (which was years before anyone cared about getting certified), diving was a hobby and a passion. Scuba was something you shared to make friends and no one did it for money. We all had jobs, and diving was for utter pleasure. When we shared our skills and abilities, it was to expand our intellect, while getting those same rewards in return from the more experianced. To discuss tipping, profiteering and to accept tips for a passion that one should care to share, is shameful and pathetic...... And If you are paying extra to get your wife certificate with a tip, you should not be bragging that you bribed her instructor. You should probably also mind that if you yourself are not mindful about her competence, and can not pass your confidence on to her yourself, then you and her should probably not be diving.