Rich-D-Fish - 1/13/2014 2:44 PM
From Greg: divers should be prepared to unhook the device from the low pressure inflator hose and manually inflate the BCD to control buoyancy.
Right after the near accident I mentioned above with the stuck inflator valve, we took apart the inflator to find the sand and clean it all out. Even though the sand was gone I tried to unhook my LP hose in shallow water to be better prepared in the event it happens before. I couldn’t unhook it! Two other strong men tried and couldn’t unhook it either. Maybe it was just this particular quick-disconnect, but we found the same problem with almost every "cheap" quick-disconnect we tried that day. This is the same connector that I see on 75% of the cheaper BCD’s out there. I won’t name brands. The very next day I went out and bought myself the most high end BCD I could find, and sure enough the quick disconnect was beefier and popped open with just the lightest pressure.