RAWalker - 7/17/2013 12:11 AM
I dive a BP&W when I’m out diving for my own recreation. It allows you to configure a BCD that keeps it’s center of gravity in proper relation to your body for excellent horizontal swimming. This is exactly what you want for the majority of your time underwater. The BP&W is a modular system with nearly infinite choices of Plate, Bladders and weighting options to b used in both single tank and doubles configuration.

Because of this configuration choice complexity of choice I don’t advise it for beginners until they have mastered buoyancy control to a higher degree than most divers do until after logging a fair number of dives. This gives them the ability to gauge their choices and changes they may make over time and fine tune the kit to their diving. At this point diving becomes gliding underwater seemingly effortlessly. As a first BCD I generally suggest a Back Inflator style jacket as it will dive much closer to the optimum we seek and in fact many are so satisfied as to not seek to progress further.

As an instructor I use a back inflator style jacket when I’m working with open water students. Because of the integrated weight system to be able to kneel with stability underwater requires me to weight it with a bias to the rear trim pockets. Otherwise I’d need to use my hands to stay upright. This wouldn’t look very professional so I adjust the weight. This allows the back inflator to dive more like a BP&W but has the familiar jacket style for students to relate to.