OcalaJim - 11/12/2007 8:14 AM
I`ll take a stab at this one. Remember, this is my opinion only, and of course I am biased! For me, Florida has got to be the best for diving. I can dive year round in a 3mm wet suit and in most any environment. We have the freshwater springs throughout North Central Florida (where I live) and they maintain a constant 72 degrees all year long. I dove at the end of January in Jupiter, Florida in the Atlantic last year and the temp was 73 degrees. That dive was great. A little further south where the Gulf Stream hugs the Florida coastline and you`ll be in water that you swear is in the Bahamas. Then, to top it off, we have several wreck sites in all depths including the most recent sinking of the Oriskany.

The opinions expressed here are just that. Besides, I haven`t gotten to dive in another state yet!