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Looking for a Dive Buddy
Valerie1971 - 2/14/2023 4:12 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

I am a relatively new diver, 44 dives under my belt, with AOW and Nitrox certifications. I have only ever shore dove, but would love to try a boat dive (I know those are easier). I have dove Laguna Beach and La Jolla Shores and the Children’s Pool many times, dove Hawaii last summer several times, but I have only ever had one buddy. He has moved on. I live in Oceanside, and am looking for a relatively local buddy who can dive weekends. Thank you.
Rich-D-Fish - 2/23/2023 2:30 PM
Hi Valerie. Just saw your post. I don’t look on here as much as I would like to. I’d be happy to buddy with you in the middle around Laguna beach. But I only dive every 2-4 weeks these days. My recommendation would be to join a couple of the Facebook clubs (free) who dive regularly and just meet up and make a bunch of new friends. If you only want to dive in San Diego I would join both Power Scuba and the So Cal Divers club. If you don’t mind driving to Laguna Beach I dive mostly with NBTT (no beach too tough).
Valerie1971 - 2/23/2023 2:34 PM
Thank you for your response. I am definitely not at the level where "No Beach Too Tough", but I am learning. I have joined Power Scuba and I found a group at my local dive shop. I will also look at So Cal Divers Club. I am itching to get back to Laguna, but this weather has been horrid! Hopefully, it clears and I can get my gills wet soon. I will let you know when I get up there and see if you are available. Thank you!
Rich-D-Fish - 2/23/2023 6:46 PM
LOL. No Beach Too Tough is just a saying. We generally pick easy days to dive. With 44 dives you are easily at an experienced level to handle the group. Look me up on Facebook. And I agree with this weather. I would have liked to dive this weekend.
Valerie1971 - 2/23/2023 8:53 PM
I will look you up on FB, and I had plans to dive Laguna Saturday at Shaw’s. Not with this weather! 🥲
Valerie1971 - 2/23/2023 8:57 PM
I looked your name up, and there are 10 matches. I can search through them, but maybe you can look me up too? Thank you.
Rich-D-Fish - 2/24/2023 1:14 PM
In my profile on this site there is a Facebook link that will take you right to it. Otherwise search Richard Forster. :-)
Valerie1971 - 2/24/2023 1:47 PM
Ok, I will. I think I found you last night and sent A friend request