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Disabled Adults, working, training at Aquatic Center
awetmedic - 10/24/2020 11:26 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Hi, if you look at the pictures on my profile it might help this story along. One picture shows a drawing of the finished building over the existing construction. The google maps satellite view of 2645 Pilgrim Mill Circle, Cumming GA 30041 might also help.

I have been working on building a lakeside aquatic center to employ people with disabilities while they train as Certified Nursing Assistants. (CNA) My 19 y/o son has Down Syndrome and he would be paired with somebody with a physical disability and they would learn the 90 hour CNA course to become state certified and employed as a CNA Team. And then be employed in a high demand job. (We could only state certify a few people a year, but it would make a tremendous impact on their lives.) This would be a world wide first! (standard time, it may be 3 to 6 months of training the first time through) These are all daily living skills that any person with a disability or a caregiver should know and even if they do not complete the course and get state certification, they learn valuable care skills for themselves or others.

The people with disabilities would live and work at the aquatic center and then train as a CNA. We would train up to 4 people at a time and pay for their room, board and training as they are likely on medicaid and can not afford this. We are hoping the revenue the aquatic center earns would fund their room, board and training.

I am a retired paramedic/FF (I retired after 30 years, very early in life, but I was done!) Although it looks very expensive to do, I put money in the ground over 18 years since just after my son was born and did it myself.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to introduce this project to divers on this site or other places for ideas to help it?

For more information describes the project and includes a free pdf of the business plan (book), describes the marketing videos, and describe the internet marketing and they are still under development.

I enjoy critical comments as they provide the best ways to correct what needs to be corrected, so fire away! If you want to help from behind your laptop, or live close please say hi!

Alan Kindree
Eric_R - 10/25/2020 7:43 AM
I would reach out to HSA and DIVEHEART. I’m a certified dive buddy through HSA. They should be able to help you connect with people that could use your services.