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Diving Buddy SoCal
gage - 10/04/2020 10:58 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Hey everyone, Im recently certified, 2 logged dives outside of my OW cert. Ive only dove La Jolla shores and am looking for someone(s) to go diving with. I am still new and want to take it easy and do nothing crazy, but I would like to start building a lot of experience. Thanks!
monkeyboy - 10/11/2020 2:07 PM
Hey there, I am up in nor cal, I dive mostly monterey and carmel. I do plan to get down to so cal for some diving near the end of the year depending on how covid goes as we enter the flu season. I would like to dive catalina island and channel islands (now just day trips, no overnights) out of ventura/santa barbara. so really not ready till end of the year, but my plans are to try a so cal dive once a month, so let me know if you might be interested in those dive sites for future dives. I used to live down in pacific beach/la jolla but was not diving at the time so not really familiar with dive sites there. catalina and ventura are nice half way spots and are known for world class diving, so let me know, Ron.
Msbdiving - 10/20/2020 1:18 PM
I’m planning on doing some lobster diving spearfishing off San Diego this week from my boat. I already posted. You’re welcome to join.
flyingtiger - 1/08/2021 12:51 AM

I live in Los Angeles county and usually dive in Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach. Which area are you located?

I was certified in 1997 but have a long break since 2006. Got back into diving this past August. I’ve logged about 10 dives since August. I stay shallow and don’t go deeper than 60 ft. Most of the dives are under 50 ft. I’ll research the dive site and plan the dive route before actually going out. I also monitor the surf forecast to pick the date with less than 2 ft swell. I’ll dive the same site repeatedly to get familiar with the location. Let me know if this match your style.
