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Shark River
ChristopherBurgert - 6/29/2020 5:12 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

I’m looking for a dive buddy for Maclearie Park July 3rd. Any part of Shark River Inlet.
shelbized - 6/30/2020 10:26 AM
Hi Chris I was just talking about shark river last nite. I dove Maclearie Park with Ray. Greg and i dove the railroad bridge. Do you know what time high tide is?
ChristopherBurgert - 6/30/2020 12:08 PM
I’m not sure when high tide is, but I’ll find out when it is.
ChristopherBurgert - 6/30/2020 5:04 PM
High tide is 6:22 am.
m_grieco - 6/30/2020 9:37 PM
You can also do the high tide in the evening. I actually believe Divers 2 is actually doing a "happy hour" dive that day. I have dove there the past two weekends and conditions have been good. I’ve spotted numerous seahorses already this season.
shelbized - 7/02/2020 11:27 AM
Hi, 6am is too early for me. i have a 3hr drive up. Anyone looking to dive shollow waters around capemay.