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Authorities serve search warrants on Truth Aquatics
Smithsgold - 9/09/2019 2:22 PM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Authorities serve search warrants on the owner of the California dive boat that burned last week

(CNN)The Coast Guard Investigative Service served search warrants on Truth Aquatics, the owner of the diving boat that was swallowed up by flames off the California coast on Labor Day, Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Eric Raney told CNN.

"This is all just part of the ongoing investigation," Raney said. "The Coast Guard was assisted by ATF which is investigating the fire and the FBI which has expertise in criminal investigations."
Eric_R - 9/09/2019 9:03 PM
It’s a good thing they got warrants so anything they find can be used in court. It goes both ways and just because they issued a search doesn’t mean anything was done wrong. I’m eager to know what the cause was.
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/10/2019 7:17 AM
From Eric_R: I’m eager to know what the cause was

I’m sure it’s going to be some dive light, camera or camera lights Li-on battery on charge in the galley exploded :( With that many divers onboard there were a ton of chargers plugged in!

We had a neighbor almost lose their home when an e-cigarette exploded setting the bedroom on fire, they were there and called 911 but the whole home was smoke damaged.