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Maclearie Park
ChristopherBurgert - 6/06/2019 12:07 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

Looking for a buddy for June 14,15, and16.
14th would be an afternoon dive
15th would be morning , afternoon, and night dive
16 would be a morning dive.
Dereknoah42 - 6/06/2019 11:52 AM
Christopher - I might be free for June 14 but high tide is 6pm ish so would look to go then.

I am also looking to go this coming Sunday and high tide is 140 so would gear up around 1245. Let me know!
ChristopherBurgert - 6/06/2019 12:41 PM
This week I’m going to Dutch Springs on the 8th for their expo day. The 14th at 6pm would be great .
m_grieco - 6/06/2019 1:07 PM
Chris, is Maclearie Park a site you have dove before? It is my understanding that NJ scuba regulations for Shark River Inlet (Maclearie Park is in the back bay area of this inlet) is that no diving is permitted from May 1st to Oct 1st during the hours of 8:30am to 5:30 pm. With that in mind, you also need to dive during the slack tide. You could theoretically do a morning dive (about 5:30 am and 5:45 pm. With the site varying from 6ft to about 12ft, I don’t think I would try an afternoon dive with low tide being around noon. Water depths I described were peak tide depths. Maybe I will come for the evening dive on Saturday.
ChristopherBurgert - 6/06/2019 3:36 PM
I have never done it, the only place I have dove is Dutch Springs, I have my Advanced Scuba cert. Which doesn’t mean much, other than I have done a night dive. I’d definitely be interested in an evening dive or night dive . I do only have less than 20 dives total, so I’m still a noob, since a reliable dive buddy around here is scarce. If you want to contact me my email is
BeekeeperGreg - 6/06/2019 9:42 PM
We are diving Saturday, can’t do a Sunday dive.

The restrictions apply to the inlet.
MaClearie Park or L street are open any time.

Low tide is hard from the steps at the park because of exposed mud, but OK from the beach at L-Street.
The current a MaClearie isn’t bad but should be considered. I go in before high tide for the cleanest water. But I have dove there at low tide and have had better vis than High tide.
The current is strongest near the steps in the channel that is about 15’ deep. In the shallows you won’t feel the current as much.
My advice for the first time is go in 1/2 hour before stack high tide and dive both sides of the tide.
